I am inexplicably excited about my new borrowed books! Thank you so much to some very good friends! Ate Dinah lend me her classics, the ever ima
ginative and inspiring story of Jerusha Abbot and her Daddy-Long-Legs. Who happens to be her darling in the end. I was introduced to Judy Abbot way back elementary, where I often woke up as early as eight 8am to watch the morning cartoons. Yes, I first heard of the mischievous Judy Abbot through the TV tube. And isn’t it just amazing to be able to read it now!? Haha! I like the way the book is written. The story was told through Judy’s letters for Daddy-Long-Legs. It is a wonderful compilation of all her letters.
Funny but in high school, in one of our book reviews, I did that style of writing… I made a diary of the hero. Narrating every adventure he bravely fought.
My teacher was first shocked and asked me why I did it that way. I always like to do things differently. Call me stubborn, but I don’t always stick to the rules. I sometimes break them. For rules set boundaries, and boundaries limits you. My teacher gave me the highest score.
And enough about me. Haha!
Books oh books!
Look at this one, it’s a newly acquired favorite (Thank you ate dins!)
I am just at the first chapter and I’m liking it already. It’s a classic. I love classics!
The way they were told, the way the authors gave birth to the characters and it’s as if seeing the real thing centuries ago. With the puffed sleeves and the sleek trousers to match!
I still need to continue my journey with the five little p
But I cant help taking a
look at the first chapter of Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain… (Thank you Erwin!)
Here it is…
But I’m not going to read it
Paulo Coelho has a reputation of making his readers cry. I should know, I read most of his books… I don’t want to cry just now…
With this classics, (I consider Ricky Lee’s Trip to Quiapo a classic)
Looks like I have my nights booked! =D
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