Thursday, September 16, 2010

A fish and a cat

It's almost 5pm, almost time for me to visit the bundy clock . But then heavy rain started to pour outside. Geessh! and I'm really cold, with the aircon positioned just a few meters away from my desk.
So I thoughts that its better to warm my fingers by typing...

I'm tired, i can almost hear my body aching and I can hear my brain's creative juice pump slowly making the ""eekkk" sound. I've been writing scripts since morning and my thoughts are now as clattered as my desk. Come to think of it, I've been planning to buy a fish bowl for my desk, I want a little life in this small space. But so far, time forbids me.  So now. (as in right now, I'm changing my desktop wall paper. :) I'm putting a picture of a pretty goldfish on his crystal globe fish bowl. :D 


and this one too. :) 

whew! a kitty and goldfish! 

I want a goldfish... I want one bad! enough of seeing piles of scripts and bunch of tapes on my desk. I want life, I want life! :) anyhow, looks like I have to settle for this lovely creatures for now. :) I don't really mind. I'm naming the pretty goldfish Romeo and the kitten, Alice. :D 

you just got to love them. :) 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Creative people on the roof!

I work as a creative writer in a government owned television network.  

And I would like to share the things we do when... well, when we run out of things to do :)

pose, pose pose! hurry, ooohhh!!! those
clicking sounds! :)
I love these people. They are all very creative, talented, and witty. They come up with the funniest jokes! So one day, our senior graphic artist bought this new toy, (canon DSLR (professional camera)! ooohhhh!!! new toy! new toy!  so right away we went out and play! we went to the rooftop and what do you know! creative people digging their creative posses! 

hang in there Kuya Bryan, creative  things
don't just spring in thin air! :) 


hang in there Kuya Bryan, creative  things don't just spring in thin air! :) 

 These people love everything about arts. You should see how our office white board turned into a creative doodle board. :) when one starts by merely sketching a circle, it'll grow and grow to be the universe in a few days. Everyone, one by one will then draw something connected to the circle, and with 12 and more of us here, the possibility of what will come-out of the that circle is endless! 

and... yes, even the most creative and most talented "us"
sometimes need a little break too. :) 

timid and shy

I love my little sister. she is often shy, timid, and soft spoken. Well... Uhm... that was at least when she was five years old.. The first time she learned how to write, she wrote me letters, addressing me as "tete" (her own version of  ate which means "bigger sister"). I still remember her on her little pink satin dress while jumping up and down our old sofa. She was fair, chubby and cute. Our neighbours loved to hug her and pinch her plump little chicks. And boy! she loved the attention, she will often run outside our house and go directly to our neighbours front door just to look for familiar faces.

I remembered being so close to her that when my grandma took me to the province of Pampanga for two weeks, I missed her more than I missed my mom. :) and when we went home, I hugged her so tight she cried. haha!

She is no a teenager, and as we all know, the teenage years is the so called don't-bother-me, you-don't-understand-me age. I'm missing the younger her, when she will hold my hand whenever she's scared, whenever she's not sure if she should do this or that, I'm missing the way she jumped up and down our bed, and yes, the "thug" sound whenever she falls off. 

Candy doesn't work on her any more, nor does bribery, I think. She's now off to a world where it is really hard for me to penetrate... Her friends are now her "tete"... her soul sisters... I am no longer enough to be the company she needed and wanted. 

I knew and I'm praying that someday she will grow as a fine lady. Far better than me. I'm praying that she'll value her education the more I valued mine... 

My goodness! so this is how it feels like for mothers whose daughters are growing up... 

Grow up Marvinia, my little sister... but never forget, you are still my once timid and shy little sister in her favourite satin dress. I love you.  and I will always do...